
Tinder Dating. Pay attention because this may be just what you are
looking for, especially if you have ADD, limited time and prefer to multitask while dating. For you see, Tinder moves at a stepped up pace and can get you going rather fast at finding a mate, date or companion.

Tinder is one of the light, easier Internet dating sites that has become popular with the younger set. However, now, even older folks are getting into the act.

First, you should understand that early on, Tinder was thought of as a "hookup" site. For you older daters, hookup means casual sex. People would go to this site expecting to find someone for a
"quickie." Now that's a term the older set should understand.

Essentially, Tinder was a way to find a "one night stand." Yes, that's another oldie term. There were even some professionals (women prostitutes) on this type of site that were trolling for guys looking to
hookup. Just is, these guys didn't realize they'd have to pay for the date.

It now appears that these light sites have gone more legitimate. There are some still looking for that quickie, but many are looking for true love. And a more recent phenomenon sees many more older (50's and 60's) daters posting to these sites. So what is Tinder all

Here's how it works. You join the dating site and initially pay nothing. Post your photo (preferably several with good shots of your face and body). The same photo rules apply as with any Internet dating site.

You need not post twelve photos of you dog and scenery
from places you visited. You set the parameters as to what you are seeking. You set up your location, maximum distance you are interested in traveling to meet someone, gender for which you are searching and age range. Write a profile that is short and sweet, and
you are ready to go.

Now comes the fun part. Once you are on the site, it searches your neighborhood based on how far you said you are willing to travel. You literally see photos of people near you based on your distance parameter. You can see when they were last on the site which means you will see some that are on site as you "swipe."

You see a photo and short description of the potential date. You swipe the photo left if you are not interested, and you won't be seeing that one again. If you like the photo, you have the option to see more
photos if they posted more. When you like what you see, you swipe the photo to the right, and you have now sent a notice that you are "interested" to Tinder, not to the dater. The dater never knows what you did, unless they, too, swiped you to the right. If the two of you both seemed interested in one another, you both receive notice and can begin a conversation on the app, as in messaging one another.
This leads to a call, a meeting, sex, a pregnancy, a forced marriage and a child. Actually, cut the child and forced marriage.

Tinder is rather fast paced, fun, practical and kind all wrapped into a nice package. Since you make no direct contacts initially, you really don't get direct rejections. Of course if you never get any matches you are probably being rejected a bunch. In that case maybe set
your standards a bit more realistically. If you are a grizzly mammoth, with missing front teeth, maybe start swiping left (reject) all those beauties and swipe right (show interest) with sea hags and Medusa like mates.

Now you can go through a hundred potential dates rather fast. You discard all those who don't turn you on (swipe left), and you send out word to Tinder all those you'd consider by swiping right. You probably notice much redundancy here explaining the swipe left, swipe right.
That's because you are going to get confused and swipe some hot date left (reject) and realize that you just passed on a vixen or a stud and will never see them again (yes...worse than that last scene in Titanic).

In time you'll get it right, but this is where Tinder makes money. While this site is free, if you want to be able to bring back someone you
inadvertently rejected, this will cost you the monthly fee. They must have known everyone was going to screw up, and that became their money plan.

Once you've done some trolling, now you wait to see if there are any mutual matches. When you see a notice that there's a mutual match, you are now permitted to make contact with your future bride/groom/sex kitten/stud muffin or what ever label you wish to
ascribe to your new find. But be careful, Tinder is actually kind of addictive (no intravenous version yet), so don't get carried away. Limit yourself to no more that 16 hours each day to do your searches.
If you live in LA, NYC or other large metropolitan areas, there will be tons of potential mates. If you live in a small rural town, you may not find too many daters online. Don't get flustered when all you find is your old girl friend/ boyfriend or your divorced mother/father
come up as potential mates. You may have to set your distance to search out farther. In LA you can search two miles and find lots of people all around you (even in the same bar/club you're sitting in while searching). In Bird In Hand, PA (this is a real town), you
may need to set your distance to several hundred miles to find someone.

It's all fun. It's easy once you get the hang of it and figure out which is your right and left hand. Go forth and multiply, or at least practice the act of multiplying, have a great time and be kind to all you meet.


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