  While men may pray at the altar of the Jade Temple, women may pray at the Mount of the Crimson Mushroom. To help out those who don't understand the poetry in these metaphors, just know the Crimson Mushroom is exactly what you think it is, so stop wasting my time by asking silly questions. As men do foolish things in order to pray at the Jade Temple, so do women at the Holy Mount... maybe even more so at times. Women in the know understand how powerful it is to shower affection at the Mount. They understand how when the Mount is in the Vesuvius mode, i.e. rea ...
I hear it all the time: “I don’t want to just settle.” It’s as if these people are in search of perfection and will not compromise. I guess we can’t really blame them, but realistically most people have to settle because there are only so many perfect people (like you and me) to go around. Have you ever thought about settling because it's difficult to find Mr. or Ms. Perfect? Do they even exist? Do you settle for less than your ideal mate? Before we can answer this question, it makes sense to first look at the consequences of settling. If you don’t settle, t ...
The Jade Temple is the vagina for all of you who have not figured out this artistic method of creative writing. If you ask, or wonder, why the vagina should be a subject on a treatise about dating then you don’t understand the power of sex as it relates to interpersonal relationships. Men do all sorts of stupid things to pray at the temple. They also do noble things at the same temple. The more you understand the power of sex in relationships the better you should be able to navigate the dating waters, and for that matter, all aspects of relationships from friendships to marriage. ...
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Genital Warts – This is an important issue for all of us older daters. Since an illustrious past president seemed to regard oral sex as something innocent, too many kids today think of oral sex as a non-issue. Many of them actually think it is safer than having conventional sex. They may be mistaken and so may you! Genital warts are the most common sexually transmitted disease caused by a virus. Here are some stats from the CDC (Center for Disease Control). Approximately 20 million Americans are currently infected with HPV. Another 6 million ...
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