When you were young and dating, this topic never came up. Now that you may be entering into, living through, or just past menopause, and dating again, there are some important issues to consider. First, some women get so uptight about the effects of menopause that it keeps them entirely out of the game.For some, it was menopause that got them back into the dating game as it could have been a factor in a fifty-something divorce.Menopause may express several changes that can adversely affect relationships. Almost all of these changes are the result of the actual cause of  menopause: decr ...
Quite often, when perusing the little photos of perspective mates on Internet dating sites, I think the dating service must have sent me suggestions from the wrong group of women. These women are very much older than me.Annoyed, I would then look at the person's age, and I'm really shocked! These old looking women are often ten or more years younger than me. How is this possible?Actually there is a simple answer - I look just as old to all the women looking at my photo.Yes.... you get old and don't see it.Many years ago, at 75 years of age, my father told me he couldn't believe that he was ...
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