
The cruise is an even better way to really know your new mate than the mere land vacation, unless, of course, you took a cruise for your first vacation. All of a sudden you are thrust into close quarters in a closed biosphere with the person you are probably dating on a regular basis, and may even be considering for a life partner.

It’s the close quarters that make this situation so touchy. If you were smart and took a full week to cruise, you get the whole effect. A two or three day voyage won’t always cut it. Of course, if you do the whole week and this person is driving you nuts, you may want to toss them overboard. Conversely, if you are driving them nuts, they may want to toss you overboard, so watch your back.

Putting away clothing and deciding who gets the most closets is usually gender based (yes, the girls get more space because they have more stuff). If your mate is unusually greedy about how much space they get, this is a good foreshadow of what they’re going to want at the divorce settlement. While that was supposed to be a joke, it is very true.

If you see a dark side to your mate in any circumstance, it is going to come out big time when conflict arises, and there are not too many more contentious conflicts than a contested divorce. That is why you have to read the CYA chapter in the soon to be released book Covering Your Ass in Divorce.

A cruise also offers a great opportunity to see your mate’s stamina. Cruising offers so many activities that take place in such a multitude of locations under the intense weakening effects of the Caribbean sun that you will learn a great deal about this “other person” as the days go by.

Being is close quarters and having certain romantic expectations (remember, you’re dating – if you’re married and cruising, sex may not be as important any longer), you may be having sex every night. If you picked any longer than the seven day cruise, you may both need to see a urologist by the end of the vacation.

• lynne tucker (2012/03/12 11:14)
Getting to know you.....Taking a cruise for the first time spending time with your sig oth can be very challanging yet rewarding. It is like going away for a long weekend. When you are away anywhere with someone 24/7 you find out a lot. Being very easy going as a traveler since I have traveled all over the world I can travel with anyone. Question for me would be after the trip would I ever want to travel with that person again. Hint.... don't travel too soon. Give you friendship, companionship or what ever you call it a little time as sometimes those true colors do not come out so fast. Happy sailing and bring a life vest (*.*)
• Interested Reader (2012/03/05 01:01)
Sounds like the Mystery Dater just went on a cruise and nothing serious caused any problems. No mention was made of all the food temtations and the possible digestive problems.

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