
Why would you even open this article? What is the chance that you could get Ebola on a date? According to our medical authorities there is no chance that this could happen to you unless you fly to West Africa and go on that kind of date, but in America - no way. Naturally there are no Internet dating services to meet West Africans in West Africa like there are dating services to meet dates online from China, Russia and most every other country. You can even have your foreign date come to visit you here in the good old USA if you are willing to pay their expenses. And who knows what exotic diseases you might bring over from foreign nations, inluding West Africa?

Actually, this whole idea of contracting Ebola on a date is farfetched for now. Could that change if we have an epidemic of this fatal virus that spreads throughout our country because we have terrible health policies in place? You probably can guess at that answer, but let’s take a look at what could actually happen that would make dating even more complicated and troublesome than it is already.

From the beginning of medical science, learned physicians understood the need for quarantine. This was the most effective way to isolate sick, highly contagious people to prevent the spread of disease throughout the general population. As they soon discovered, quarantine can actually eradicate or at least control disease by preventing its ability to spread. Quarantine is a time honored method that is still very much in use today. Diseases like typhus, cholera, plague, tuberculosis and other non-political infections have
necessitated such medical intervention, and when used properly, quarantine helps toeliminate or minimize the spread of these terrible diseases.

In the early 1980s our esteemed politicians created a new, non -medical approach to managing serious diseases. That’s correct, managing serious, contagious disease became a political issue because AIDS ran rampant in the gay community. Being politically
savvy and vocal, the gay community lobbied our politicians to align themselves with infectious disease experts who took the side against quarantine. They decided to try other ways to control and eradicate the HIV/AIDS virus. Not only would we not quarantine, we would make it the law to not inquire about a patient’s health status as it related to HIV/AIDS to avoid stigmatizing the person. Rather than treating HIV/AIDS as a disease, it became a sensitive social/political
issue. Doctors were forced to avoid finding out about the HIV status of their patients. They were instructed to not inquire about the patients' HIV status, and they were not allowed to consider mandatory testing for the HIV virus. If they did learn that their patients
had AIDS, they were forced to treat those patients the very same way as any other patient to, again, avoid stigma, which for some living in la-la land seemed to be a new medical diagnosis – stigmatosis. That is just sarcasm being expressed as there is no such thing as stigmatosis. The way AIDS was managed was absurd, just like the healthcare policies being created every time there is an outbreak of deadly diseases like Ebola.

HIV/AIDS policy became so insidious that government agents pretending to be patients would call medical and dental offices, tell the secretaries they had AIDS and try to make appointments. If the appointment request was refused, or was made in anyway differing
from regular healthy patients, the doctors were threatened with court, fined and they could lose their licenses. No longer could a doctor see an AIDS patient at the end of the day to provide safer care for both the patient and his staff. No longer could the doctor take any special precautions for an AIDS patient like he would when treating any other
patient with a highly infectious disease like hepatitis or tuberculosis. It is to these extremes that the government was willing to put everyone at risk to avoid stigmatizing gay patients who were being shunned by healthcare workers trying to avoid getting sick.

The early years of the AIDS epidemic was a very scary time for all involved. The patients worried no one would want to treat them while the healthcare provider worried they would contract this deadly disease by getting stuck with an infected patient’s needle. So the
government created a new manner of practicing medicine. No longer would anyone need to know who was infected. No longer would there be a need to quarantine patients, so as to isolate and eliminate the disease. Now, all medical providers would follow the newly
created guidelines called Universal Precautions. Just pretend everyone has AIDS and treat everyone with the same degree of caution. Suddenly there was no longer a problem. Everyone was treated the same. There was no stigma of disease and everyone would be safe because everyone was treated with extra precautions. Unfortunately, the disease was never halted and the only way some semblance of control came about was from the infected community when they started practicing safe sex.

So what was the outcome of this detour from standard and proven medical practices like quarantine that has helped keep us safe from deadly germs? While the authors of the HIV/AIDS policy debacle will never want to admit it, they probably caused more deaths than would have ever occurred had they treated AIDS like medical science treats every other serious disease. And how did this happen? Instead of tracking down every last case of HIV/AIDS and teaching proper protocol to the patients in the quest of isolating the virus, they allowed patients to go around unknowing, unwilling and unannounced. They were able to engage in sexual activities that spread the disease on a grand scale. If we could go back
and ask the dead AIDS patients if they thought quarantine might have been a good idea, they would probably agree today after seeing their lives snuffed out unnecessarily.

This takes us to Ebola, an even more deadly virus that strikes faster (up to 21 day incubation period versus AIDS having up to two years incubation) and a very high death rate. Our president t the time, Dr. Obama (that’s juris doctor), told us that Ebola coming to America
is remote. He probably learned this in a law school course on malpractice law. Then Dr. Obama tells us that, “In the unlikely event that someone with Ebola reaches our shores, we have taken new measures so we are prepared here at home.”

We all know those presidential statements went out of the window two weeks later. Now the “experts” tell us that an outbreak here is unlikely. They say we can contain any infected patients and keep them from infecting others. How did that work out in Spain where a nurse in a highly protected medical environment became infected with Ebola while caring for a patient?

For each and every Ebola patient who was diagnosed here, every one of their contacts had to be located, quarantined (you remember, it’s that sensible medical method that has kept us safe for hundreds of years) and observed. As the disease numbers spread, this became a monumental and extremely costly process albeit necessary. There are already serious shortages of IV solutions that would be required to treat newly sickened Ebola patients. Authorities tell us we in America can handle this kind of medical emergency.
Sure we can handle a few thousand extra hospital admissions but not likely what could be coming our way.
But this has nothing to do with dating so let's move forward.

With regard to Internet or any type of dating, the chances of contracting Ebola is remote. But that will change quickly if this disease is not contained through medical quarantine or finding a cure, and even more important, through sensible policies that prevent travel to and from the hotspots in West Africa, or anywhere this insidious disease becomes epidemic.

Our leaders decided to not halt travel from the Ebola hot spots when they flare up. Instead they decided to screen travelers for fever. This is just another outrageous example of medical ignorance. If the patient has the disease and it takes 21 days to show up as a fever, how many infected travelers will not have fever when boarding a plane only to develop fullblown contagious sickness once they are inside our country spreading their illness? It is almost as moronic as saying that you can catch Ebola from body fluids including saliva
and then saying you can’t catch it from a sneeze. Perhaps Ebola patients don’t give off saliva and other nasal secretions when they sneeze. It seems that the “experts” don’t know what they are talking about and are really trying to keep us calm while they institute
risky policy that could see Ebola becoming a modern day plague.

Just look as some of the headlines from the last Ebola outbreak, and you can clearly see that the authorities are punting.

Read the story about America's first Ebola patient, Thomas Duncan's flight here and his hospital experience. Only then will you know 100% we do not know how to manage this crisis. Then there were AP news stories about how our courts would almost certainly "defer" in allowing us to check for fever among travelers in the event that someone tried to sue over their civil liberties. Are they serious? Our government actually had to site the Commerce Clause of the Constitution to justify keeping us safe - too many lawyers here in

If we do find that there is an extensive outbreak of Ebola, or if it were to become epidemic, there are some rules to help you in the dating world. First, stop dating, buy a hazmat-suit, and stay home. More practically speaking, you may actually be able to protect yourself
from Ebola unlike your much higher chance of contracting AIDS. What? I can get AIDS from dating?

Take a look as some serious statistics from our government circa 2015 (the CDC). More than 1.1 million people in the US are living with AIDS with 15.8% not knowing they have the disease. There are 50,000 new cases each year! These are dreadful numbers that could
have been prevented if AIDS was originally treated as a disease. We controlled so many more easily spread diseases with quarantine but lost the battle with AIDS due to political correctness that has truly killed millions over the years.

While we all know to practice safe sex, it is not always likely that in the fit of passion we use our common sense. To be a little bit extra safe, consider where AIDS is most likely to be found. Again go to the CDC and you will find that the highest incidence of new AIDS
infection is found in white males who are MSM (men having sex with men i.e. gay or bisexual - 11,200 new cases) followed by black MSM men (10,600 new cases), Hispanic MSM men (6700 new cases), black heterosexual women 5300 new cases), black heterosexual men (2700 new cases), white heterosexual men (1300 new cases) and then IV drug users. This tells you that dating in certain populations puts you at greater risk for contracting AIDS. Be advised. According to the CDC, by race, blacks/African Americans
face the most severe burden of HIV. Why is AIDS such a problem in the black community? There is a high degree of promiscuity and ignoring safe sex, especially in poor inner city communities.

Back to Ebola... first, when meeting a new dating prospect by email, or phone, or at a museum or anywhere, you may want to ask this person about their travel experiences. If they never go to exotic places, there is much less chance of contracting Ebola, that for
now is more isolated in West Africa. That could change soon enough and then the “where do you travel” question will not help.

Next, if anyone you consider dating is sick at the time of your date make sure you cancel. Unlike AIDS, Ebola is only contagious when symptoms are present, the most obvious symptom being fever. Even if you are offered a date with a nice person with the flu, stay away. You don't want the flu either.

They tell us that Ebola is more difficult to catch than the flu or a cold, and that is true. However, they also tell us you can’t catch it from a sneeze. Then how come the body fluids (blood, semen, sweat and saliva) that cause the disease can’t be transmitted by a
sneeze that surely contains body fluid (saliva and nasal secretions)? It just doesn’t make sense to listen to the medical authorities handpicked by the Presidential administration to trying alleviate our fears yet, putting us all at risk.

While practicing safe sex by using condoms will help to prevent AIDS (no guarantees), with Ebola there is no such thing as safe anything other than a safe wave... from across the room.

It is always best to find a mate who doesn’t date around too much. The more sexual partners one has, the more chances to contract any of a number of diseases. Try to get into a monogamous relationship with a virgin or a nerd who hasn't been exposed to anything. And finally, vote for politicians who support rational, time tested medical policy rather than some irresponsible, feel good, progressive, politically correct policies that have resulted in the deaths of their own constituents as well as having put populations of the entire world at
risk of something even more insidious than global warming.


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