Regardless of whether you are dating, living together or married, there is no substitute for kindness if you wish to have a strong, long lasting comfortable relationship. This is a magical component of successful living. It even applies to how you treat your neighbors, colleagues, employees and friends. It is actually a rather simple rule, so why do so many people have trouble being kind, especially to their loved ones. There's a funny expression, "I would really appreciate it if you would treat me like a stranger." The expression was even the title of a song. Now why would ...
The golddigger is looking for security in the most exaggerated manner. While many daters look for finacial security (women more than men), or for domestic security (men more than women), they usually are willing to make a commitment for the security they want. The golddigger is an opportunist who is looking for the best deal at the moment. An dedicate golddigger will drop you if a better deal shows up. A golddigger is, by definition, the term associated with women while men looking for financial security are more often described as dirt bags. Golddiggers come in all shapes and looks ...
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