Once you are situated, having registered with an online dating service, uploaded your photo, provided a nice profile describing how wonderful you are, and having chosen a cool Internet dating name, you are now ready to search for a mate. Keep in mind that if you are drop dead gorgeous, a.k.a. hot, hot, hot, you may not have time to search for your mate since there will be so many daters emailing you at your dating site address that you won’t have time to search for anyone. Let’s assume you are just "hot" or reasonably gorgeous or maybe even average. You folks will ...
Dating always starts off in the Garden of Eden. No, you’re not naked and being spied upon by serpents. You are, however, in the throes of ecstasy. You can’t wait to see this person. Conversation is golden and blissful, and the sex is even better than the conversation. Now wouldn’t it be nice if it could go on like that forever and ever. It could if you were never banished from the Garden. Well, that’s what fairy-tales are made of, not reality. What happens over time is that the conversation gets a little old. The sex is okay. And, well, you can wait to see them ...
Something interesting happens when you involve yourself in dating as you age. Actually lots of things interesting happen to you as you age, but that's a story for another time. Suffice it to say dating in youth is much different than dating as you get old, or shall we say older. While your taste for fine wine, beautiful art and the host of niceties that life offers doesn't decline, your ability to attain some of these things changes dramatically. If you are lucky and prudent, at some point in your getting older stages of life you can attain things like fine art, a corvette, a beau ...
If this topic doesn't peak ones interest, they probably have terrible body odor and just don't get it. For the rest of you... you get some of it. After all, the last thing you want is to have body odor that would surely make your first date your last, unless your date doesn't have a sense of smell. Now here's the interesting thing about sense of smell and the true essence of this section. One of the possible reasons for a loss of your sense of smell has to do with the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. Then note that a chemical possibly implicated in Alzheimer ...
Cream of the crop is not a treatise on dating farmers or the farmer's daughter. That can better be found in the Farmers' Almanac. Here, cream of the crop refers to the best dates in terms of the various important traits. Most everyone would like to date the best people out there, especially with the intention of moving the dating relationship towards something more involved, like living together or getting married. So how does one find, and then attract, the cream of the crop? There is an old saying, “You’ve got to be a friend to have a friend.” And the sam ...
No one wants to date people who are mentally ill other than, perhaps others who are mentally ill and don’t know better. Actually they, too, don’t want to go through that hell. The sad thing about the world today is that there are a whole lot of mentally ill people out there and it doesn’t often show on their faces. It doesn’t even initially show in their behavior in many instances. However, over time, the mental illnesses will begin to surface. Whether it is as simple as a nervous tick or as severe as hostile abuse, over time you will see mental illness manifest itse ...
Tinder Dating. Pay attention because this may be just what you are looking for, especially if you have ADD, limited time and prefer to multitask while dating. For you see, Tinder moves at a stepped up pace and can get you going rather fast at finding a mate, date or companion. Tinder is one of the light, easier Internet dating sites that has become popular with the younger set. However, now, even older folks are getting into the act. First, you should understand that early on, Tinder was thought of as a "hookup" site. For you older daters, hookup means casual sex. People ...
Regardless of whether you are dating, living together or married, there is no substitute for kindness if you wish to have a strong, long lasting comfortable relationship. This is a magical component of successful living. It even applies to how you treat your neighbors, colleagues, employees and friends. It is actually a rather simple rule, so why do so many people have trouble being kind, especially to their loved ones. There's a funny expression, "I would really appreciate it if you would treat me like a stranger." The expression was even the title of a song. Now why wo ...
When dating most people are looking for cool things to do. That makes sense. However, many times they overlook the vast variety of eating establishments that may very well be the entire date. No longer do you have to find a dinner plus the “something else kind of date” that involves a movie, theater or other similar venue. In actuality, if you fill up your date night with too much to do, you and/or your date may be too tired for a nightcap of rolling under the covers. A date night with too much to do, especially for older married couples, will often end up with dozing off to ...
While many daters look for financial security (women more than men), or for domestic security (men more than women), they usually are willing to make a commitment once they find the security. The gold digger is looking for security in the most exaggerated manner. The gold digger is an opportunist who is looking for the best deal at the moment. An accomplished gold digger will drop you if a better deal shows up. A gold digger is by definition the term associated with women while men looking for financial security are more often described as dirt bags or opportunists. Gold diggers com ...
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