I met a woman from France, of all places. I have never been to France, so as you can imagine, I met her locally. It was a treat, because she had a different set of values and philosophies that were refreshing aside from the fact that she was pretty and sexy. When I told her I was writing about iDating, she told me that she "would never do that" to meet a man. I was rather surprised that anyone would cast aside a means of meeting others without knowing what it’s all about, so I explained. I am sure she is not the only one who shuns this dating medium, so I will present my case for those of ...
"What, pray-tell is GU?"That’s the question I asked an iDater who contacted me. She was from New York; at least a hundred miles away from me.When she indicated interest, I wrote back mentioning that I was looking for someone closer. I left out the part about how I am looking for someone who lives around five or six blocks away. That’s right, you can’t have everything, so I never expect to find someone in the one to four blocks away category.She was kind in her response and noted that she understands how GU relationships can be difficult. "So, what the hell is GU?"After much pondering, ...
Once you get on Internet dating sites you have, in essence, joined a new community. And like the dynamics of real communities, there are some that come into play here, too, in your virtual community. One of the more interesting things I noticed about community was the fact that I was getting to know some people rather well though I never met them and probably never well.While that statement makes no sense, let me explain. All of the iDating sites send you photos of many people who they think will “click” with you based on your profile and that of the person they pick.What happens after ...
If you are not in a committed relationship, there is a good chance a storm may be brewing.While most people attribute this storm to women, hence the names of hurricanes used to be exclusively female; today it can go either way. While commitment concerns remains mostly a woman thing, there are some men who keep pushing for the commitment just as much as the women. Why commitment? And why not?This question is usually never asked nor answered, it just is. Well not here. Inquiring minds need to know! Remember, this is a guy’s view and I welcome the women to let their feeling be known. I suspe ...
There is a certain curiosity that we all have when we see a ten with a one.To state this more clearly for the slower set, when you see a hot, hot woman with a nerdy or less than stud of a guy, you have to wonder. No, not if he has a big wiener, rather WTF! How did this guy get this woman to hang on this guys arm. The first thing we really think of is that she must be an escort. I know that’s what you think so don’t deny it. Really, how many of you think, oh, she must love him for his intellect – yeah right, only if his intellect is how he made his money. About the only freaky looking ...
Marriage If you want someone who will eat whatever you put in front of him and never say it's not quite as good as his mother's...then get a dog. If you want someone always willing to go out, at any hour, for as long and wherever you want ...then get a dog..   If you want someone who will never touch the remote, doesn't care about football, and can sit next to you as you watch romantic movies...then get a dog. If you want someone who is content to get on your bed just to warm your feet and whom you can push off if he snores...then get a d ...
You have to decide what you want besides just the traits of the person you want to meet.Do you want a monogamous relationship or do you want to date many? Do you want commitment like in the institution of marriage? The answer to these questions has much to do with your personal experiences and your desires and your view of the world. It even has a lot to do with your sex and I mean that in both gender and level of promiscuity. It appears from my observations that more women are looking for marriage or at minimum a monogamous relationship. I can’t blame them. After all, they are the smarte ...
Can one love without commitment? Great question! I’m glad you asked. I’m having difficulty with this one because I do believe you can love someone without being married.Love and commitment are not mutually exclusive nor are they requisites. So what is love all about? It is most certain that you can love without commitment. After all, you can’t make a commitment until you first love. At that time you can take it to the “next level.” The next level can be a fell-swoop that is called marriage, or it can go in baby-steps, like exclusive dating, seeing each other more often, seeing e ...
Understanding relationship requires understanding the inter-relationship of three organs: the heart, the brain and the respective sex organs (penis for the men and clitoris/vagina for the women). While the heart is, in this case, being used symbolically to represent emotion, the brain represents reason and the sex organs represent physical desire/lust. For centuries philosophers, poets and behavioral scientists have, at times, left out the sex part of the equation (probably because of the general taboo on anything sexual) and it is for that reason, I submit, that we are all misguided. For w ...
An interesting thing happens when you turn fifty and sixty; you find that you and some of your contemporaries are much more likely to have experienced diseases that result in deformity and disability than the typical youthful dater and even the thirty and forty year old daters.By the fifties and sixties, there are many women who have had a bout with breast cancer or at least a breast biopsy. Sometimes there are disfiguring consequences.Some of you needed feeding tubes placed for one reason or another and now have abdominal scars. There are certainly many out there with old appendicitis, cae ...
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